An Agreement Reached by Adjustment of Conflicting or Opposing Claims Is Called

When two or more parties have a dispute or conflict, the resolution of that conflict is called an agreement. An agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the settlement reached between the parties involved. An agreement can be reached through various methods, such as mediation, negotiation, or through a court of law.

However, in some cases, the parties involved may have opposing or conflicting claims. In such situations, an agreement can only be reached through adjustments or compromises. This is why an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims is known as a compromise agreement.

A compromise agreement is a legal document that is used to settle disputes between two or more parties. It is a written agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the settlement reached between the parties involved. The agreement is usually drafted by a mediator or an attorney who acts as an impartial third party. The mediator or attorney works with the parties involved to identify the issues in dispute, and then helps them to find a mutually acceptable solution.

Compromise agreements can be used to resolve a wide range of disputes, including employment disputes, contract disputes, and personal injury claims. In employment disputes, for example, a compromise agreement may be used to settle a claim for unfair dismissal, discrimination, or a breach of contract. In personal injury claims, a compromise agreement may be used to settle a claim for compensation following an accident or injury.

One of the benefits of a compromise agreement is that it allows the parties involved to avoid the time and expense of going to court. It also provides a confidential and private way of resolving disputes, which can help to preserve relationships between the parties involved. Additionally, a compromise agreement can provide a more satisfactory outcome for the parties involved, as it allows them to tailor the settlement to their specific needs and interests.

In conclusion, when parties involved in a dispute have opposing or conflicting claims, an agreement reached by adjustment of these claims is known as a compromise agreement. This type of agreement can be an effective way of settling disputes in a confidential, efficient and satisfactory manner. If you are involved in a dispute, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced attorney or mediator to help you reach a fair and equitable settlement.