Uk Cyprus Double Tax Agreement

The UK Cyprus Double Tax Agreement: What you need to know

For individuals and companies engaging in cross-border trade and investment activities, the issue of double taxation can be a real headache. Double taxation usually occurs when two countries impose taxes on the same income or profits earned by an individual or company, resulting in an unfair and unnecessary burden of taxation.

To help alleviate this problem, many countries have signed bilateral tax agreements with each other to ensure that their taxpayers are not subject to double taxation. In this article, we will be focusing on the double tax agreement between the UK and Cyprus.

What is the UK Cyprus Double Tax Agreement?

The UK Cyprus Double Tax Agreement is a legal treaty signed between the UK and Cyprus in 1974 and revised in 2018. The agreement aims to prevent double taxation on income and capital gains for individuals and companies who are residents in either the UK or Cyprus.

Under the agreement, income and gains derived from sources in one country are taxed only in that country, unless the recipient is a resident of the other country. This means that if you are a resident in one country but earn income or gains from another country, you won`t be taxed twice on the same income or gains.

Who is covered by the UK Cyprus Double Tax Agreement?

The UK Cyprus Double Tax Agreement covers individuals and companies who are residents in either the UK or Cyprus. This means that if you are a UK resident but earn income or gains from Cyprus, or if you are a Cyprus resident but earn income or gains from the UK, you may be covered by the agreement.

To be considered a resident under the agreement, you must meet certain criteria depending on your status as an individual or a company. For individuals, this usually means that you have a permanent home in one of the countries and spend a minimum period of time there each year. For companies, residency is determined by where the company is incorporated or where its management and control is located.

What are the benefits of the UK Cyprus Double Tax Agreement?

The UK Cyprus Double Tax Agreement provides a number of benefits to individuals and companies who are covered by the agreement. Some of these benefits include:

1. Elimination of double taxation: The agreement ensures that income and gains are taxed only in the country where they are derived, preventing double taxation for residents who earn income or gains in both countries.

2. Reduced tax rates: The agreement provides for reduced tax rates on certain types of income, such as dividends, interest, and royalties, in order to encourage cross-border investment and trade.

3. Exchange of information: The agreement allows for the exchange of information between tax authorities in the two countries, which helps to prevent tax evasion and ensure compliance with tax laws.


The UK Cyprus Double Tax Agreement is an important legal treaty that helps to prevent double taxation for individuals and companies who are residents in either the UK or Cyprus. By providing for the elimination of double taxation, reduced tax rates, and the exchange of information, the agreement helps to encourage cross-border investment and trade and ensure compliance with tax laws.

If you are a resident in either the UK or Cyprus and engage in cross-border activities, it is important to understand your rights and obligations under the agreement. Consulting with a tax professional can help you navigate the complexities of the agreement and ensure that you are in compliance with all relevant tax laws.